Friday, February 11, 2011

#41 - Prisma Key!

So I missed a day! Instead of skipping it altogether I decided I'm just gonna pick up from there! I mean the rules for the project are: THERE ARE NO RULES!

So today I made a "quick" Michaels run, looking for inspiration. Well I found it alright! I was pretty excited, until they all but kicked me out! FYI Joann's is WAY nicer that Michaels! As I'm at the register I see the Prismacolor marker display in the front and I just needed one. As a kid I BEGGED my Daddy for Prismacolors whenever we went to the art supply in Uptown (It's now some kind of wine shop) Anyway I decided to scratch my initial project idea for today and do some doodles. 

This is actually page #2, because well I like this one better. 
Please note: I have a thing for eyebrows. Ask any friend of mine from HS... when I doodle it's either eyebrows or stars.

I totally didn't realize that this would be all wonky due to photobooth! EL LAME-O. I would fix it but I'm way too tired to care. I have to be up at 4-ish for the DERBY!!
Glory, Glory MAN UNITED!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

#40 - Stitch Key

Today's project idea was to use yarn somehow, well I didn't have any yarn no did I want to buy some. I opted to use some thread instead. 

I used some sturdy black fabric and white thread. This only took me about 40minutes or so, it distracted me from that sickie feeling I'm currently having.

I think I should learn how to embroider, now that would be awesome.

#39 - Haiku Key

So I literally just got home from school! I've barely had anytime to myself today (yesterday now I guess) and the 30min I did, I didn't have my macbook. LAAME! I still managed to write this down so I wouldn't forget.

FYI: After about a week or so of not using the book, I decided to use today's project idea and just go with it. Today I'm supposed to be writing a Haiku..


Man, I sucked so bad at making Haikus (Sp) in grade school, I'm sure you can tell. This one was way rough maybe down the line I'll come up with a better one!

Monday, February 7, 2011

#37+38 - Baguette Key

Made it in class!!
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I'm finally home! After 3 midterms BACK TO BACK, I'm battered but still fighting!
For my breads class we had to create five items using baguette dough. I'm sad a lot of the detail I put in before it baked didn't show up afterwards.

Because this one is SO AWESOME and HUGE, I think I'm in the clear to count it for yesterdays too.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

#36 - Chocolate Mousse Key

This post is like a few hours too late but I think totally within reason! I made Chocolate Mousse from scratch and it didn't take me too long. Unfortunately, it is a sad day at my house, as my trusty stand mixer died. I'm 100% sure my mousse would've been finished in 15min but whatever! My arms are kinda sore, but that just means its been awhile. 


Chocolate mousse really doesn't need 10x.. so it looks kinda weird but totally tastes good.

Friday, February 4, 2011

#35 - Wine Cap Key

I went out tonight for sushi with some old friends, afterwards we headed over to my friend B's place for a a quick girls night with some wine!

After talking it over with my friend Brittney, I decided to use the twist cap from some of the bottles. The first one I used totally didn't come out looking like anything. The second one ended up looking A LOT better.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

#34 - Gross Key

So I went to my girl Nadia's place for our weekly Jersey Shore night. On our way out of her complex, I realized I hadn't made my key for today!! So I decided to make a key out of junk I found in my sister's car. Well I found a raffle ticket and an old stick of gum! It was pretty gross considering I noticed the gum had like a hair or something AFTER I had put it in my mouth!! Well anyway I thought it was funny! Pictures after I get home!! We're still stuck in the complex!!
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Wednesday, February 2, 2011

#33 - Dead desktop key

Pretty self explanatory. My blasted back up desktop unit died while starting my post. Hopefully after tomorrow I never have to deal with this shit again... "WINDOWS IS THE KEY TO MY SLIGHTLY OVERWHELMING FRUSTRATION." does this statement count as my key?
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Tuesday, February 1, 2011

#32 - flour key

Made this during class... It lasted 30 seconds before a mini breeze took it out.
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.5

Finally home!