Monday, January 31, 2011

#31 - Quickie Key

I decided to sketch something out in less than two minutes. Yes i
timed myself. Im hoping my sketching skills will get better over time....
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EDITED:  I should have known better than to try and save a photo on my phone.. apparently my memory card has to be reformatted. What is the tally now Samsung Behold II - 2 and Zele - 0. 

Sunday, January 30, 2011

#30 - Lego Key

Project idea for today: work with toys!! The Monster Baby just so happen to leave his brand new Legos at my house! Growing up, I only played with them at my cousins because they were boy toys! 

It took me a bit to get it to look remotely like a key. I was totally wishing I had the regular ones and not toddler ones. But apparently regular sized Lego's are an incredibly bad idea for 3 year-olds. 
Especially crazy ones like Elijah!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

#29 - Glitter Make-Up Key

I made a make up key again but this time used my own makeup and a white base! This key looks 10 times better than the last one! 

**This picture doesn't do the color justice!

#28 - Elijah Key

I was strolling the mall today with my mom and sister in tow, and my mom saw a key necklace that reminded her of me. Out of nowhere it hit me "I didn't do a key for the 28th" UGH! I had it happen last week and I was hoping to stay on top of my game, but I just don't know what happened!

Once I got home I was debating on what to do my key on and my nephew, Elijah, decided he wanted to color with me. So I drew out a key and he colored it in for me. I love doing any type of activity with Tia's Little Monster, so I had fun.

Yes, that's a spiderweb... he's OBSESSED with Spiderman!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

#27 - Leaf Key

The project idea for today had me using a recent dream for inspiration. And considering the horrible dreams I've had as of late, I thought "FUCK THAT!" There was an indoor plant that I decided it needed to be pruned and used a leaf as my material.

EDITED: So for some reason I couldn't upload any photos from my camera last night. Turns out my Uncle uploaded 361 photos and about 15 videos! I'm pretty sure my camera was protesting in one way or another.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

#26 - Salvadorian Quesadilla Key

So today I was to make something portable or that seems portable. I was at a complete loss for awhile, and decided to go to my study group, then tackle this project once I got back. Well I get in and turns out the General is making her Salvadorian quesadilla! For those of you that don't know: cooking/baking definitely not the General's forte. However, there are about 5 dishes she can rock the shit out of, one of them being this Quesadilla recipe.

NOTE: My parents are from Central America which is NOT Mexico, so our quesadillas are NOT tortillas filled with cheese and meat. Salvadorian Quesadilla is a mildly sweet bread made with a blend of cheeses.

Today's model.

A hotel pan FULL of Salvadorian Quesadillas!

Random Fact: What is known in Mexico as a quesadilla, in Guatemala and El Salvador is actually called a doblada.

EDITED: Warm and right out of the oven!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

#25 - Random junk key

Today I was supposed to make a key with stuff found outside. Well today I have school and leisurely going outside just wasn't going to happen.
I decided to use random junk and see what I could throw together. Not too bad...
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EDITED: Finally home! Should've done this before I left for school BUT somebody forgot to charge the camera! This is the random crap I picked out.

These are the ones that I thought looked more like keys.

Disclaimer: I have a pretty incredible imagination.

Monday, January 24, 2011

#24 - Green Key

I was supposed to only use green materials or surfaces. I used one of my notebooks for school AND a green sharpie. This was a key I saw the other day.... I'm debating whether or not I want to start an actual collection.
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#23 - Late Key

Yesterday I totally fucked up!! I got so involved in homework and studying, I completely forgot to blog. I decided to still do a project because I'm determined to stick with it.
I found a tiny surface using a lipgloss cap. I wish I had better lighting but it'll just have to do!!
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Saturday, January 22, 2011

#22 - Bridge Key

For today's project, I was to make a bridge of some sort with my subject. I went through all the old keys we just so happen to have at my house and gave it a go. It wasn't really coming out... so I grabbed a piece of paper and a pen. It definitely helped.. well sorta. Nothing really spectacular but I think that has more to do with a sick me than anything else. Tomorrow should be better.

Friday, January 21, 2011

#21 - 10 Word Story Key

Today I was supposed to write a 10 word story and possibly illustrate it. Well the 10 word story took me long enough, I think I get a free pass on the illustration!

She held the key to his heart,
and stole it.

The End.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

#20 - Clay Key

I tried to make my own clay and failed. Next time I'll stick to the actual recipe!!
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EDITED: I'm finally home!! Here's my clay key... I'm about 100% sure I didn't use enough water

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

#19 - Nail Key

So my AH-MAZING sister decided to take me to get a pedicure today! It was awesome! I have no before photo because shit was gross! My totally awesome nail lady, Kim, made this little diddy for me! I always have random design requests for her, so she definitely wasn't surprised!

Disclaimer: If you're creeped out by feet/toes, don't scroll down!!

#18- Water Bottle Key

Today I'm blogging from my school parking lot!!
I was supposed to use stuff I find on my car. I used a water bottle and drew a key on in sharpie. Kinda half assed but I was in the kitchen once again!!
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EDITED: EFFING LAME!! I posted this well over an hour ago and it just uploaded from my phone!!! SCREW YOU SAMSUNG BEHOLD II!!

So here's my picture DAMN IT.

Monday, January 17, 2011

#17 - Eye Patch Key

Today's project idea was to make something that would cover an eye. At first I thought it would be tricky but it ended up working out. I tore a page out of an old sketch book I had (I love the texture and it works well with charcoal), grabbed some charcoal and then cut out my design with an exacto!!

My final product!

Note: I am wearing absolutely NO MAKEUP.. yuck!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

#16 - Makeup Key

So I'm at my girl Nadia's house, and totally blogging from a phone!

Today's project idea was to make a stamp of some type. Well I decided to save that for another day and make a key out of makeup. I'll have to edit this post once I get home. I used a MAC eyeshadow stick, eyebrow powder, and mascara.


Saturday, January 15, 2011

#15 - Crappy Dollar Key

Today's project idea had me using a dollar for inspiration. I was the worst at origami in grade school so I figured I would try a few different approaches. I was working on this for well over an hour, and I'm not really happy with the result. One day i'll make an origami key, and by the looks of it doesn't seem like it'll be anytime soon!

Ps. I slightly cheated and used like $4...

Friday, January 14, 2011

#14 - Itty Bitty Key

Today's project idea had me making something "microscopic". I tried to make something as small as possible. It took me quite a few tries but it came out looking ok in the end.

Close up.

See, it's tiny!

NOTE: I have man hands. BLEH!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

#13 - Tea Key

Today according to the book, I was to use tea leaves of some sort in my creation. I went through the tea jar to find something that I don't normally use. My supplies were two bags of Lipton Cold brew. a paper towel, and a shortened straw.

Bag #1 of Lipton Cold Brew (its gross)

My model for today.

My final product, I think it came out pretty well. It kind of looks like coffee, right?

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

#12 - Camo Key

So today's project idea was to create something that would disappear into its background. I looked into my surroundings and decided to use the General's drapes as inspiration. She has this obsession with a black/white color scheme. Find my key!!

From a distance.

Close up!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

#11 - Right Hand Key

Today's project idea was to use my least dominant hand. Im actually ambidextrous (Sp?), so I opted to use my right hand (it's kinda weaker).
I thought my right hand was better than this, so obviously I need some practice!!
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EDITED: I'm finally home from school so here's the picture I took of my sketch.

**Note: I wrote with my right hand too..

Monday, January 10, 2011

#10 - Class Key

I'm actually blogging from class!! This is the best I could do without my chef noticing!!!
It says "Sorry, I'm in class!! DAY 10"
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Sunday, January 9, 2011

#9 - Snow Key

I just got home from spending the day in Big Bear! It was absolutely gorgeous! The only down side is I think I broke my ass, but I'm pretty sure I'll survive!! I couldn't remember what today's project idea was supposed to be, so I just decided to do something on my own.

Park in Big Bear City, CA

Today's model, provided by my BIL (I forgot my keys)

This was like the only patch of untouched snow I could find! Making this key was incredibly painful! I was balancing myself on one hand (see the holes at either side of the key). Zele + cold weather = BAD!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

#8 - Book Key

Today Im attempting to send this post from my phone! The idea for todays project was to use a book in some way. My original plan was to use an old copy of Mein Kampf, but I definitely wasn't going to pay full price for bullshit.
I found a book of crossword puzzles for $1, and I decided to cut a key out. I messed up at first but I figured it out later.
It was SOOO much harder than I thought and my hand still hurts. I'm counting today as an "EHH".

In my search for a book worth trashing, I found this little gem for $4!! It's a print from 1958!!!

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Friday, January 7, 2011

#7 - Stencil Key

So today's project idea was to use a stencil. I haven't sketched anything in AGES! I decided to sketch a key and then cut it out. I used a manila folder, two knives, box cutter, and crayola finger paint I borrowed from the General. My camera died mid process. So I had to camera phone my final product!!

Edit: Here is my the first part of my sketch, which I added more to later

Initially, I tried using what felt like the flimsiest blade ever. Note to self: knives are definitely not meant for stencils. Luckily, I found my UBER box cutter!! I'm anal about straight, clean lines on stencils.

My stencil in progress.

Finished stencil, before the paint job!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

#6 - Potato Key

For today's project, I was supposed to use the first vegetable or fruit I came across in my kitchen. After clearing it with the General, I got to use a potato!

In process

My model for today.
I decided to use the key for my dads old Tacoma (RIP Green Booger from Hell)

Finished key! This photo doesn't do it justice! I tried about 30 different times to capture the detail, and this shoddy shot is the best I got!

Model Key and Potato Key

I genuinely liked the outcome of today's project, I didn't even mind my hands smelling like potato!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

#5 - Collection Key

"I have an extensive collection of names tags and hair nets.. It's excellent!" This was my first thought when I read today's project idea! Unfortunately I don't have an extensive collection of either, so I picked something I have TONS of.. CD cases.
My house key and model

Surprisingly this took A LOT longer than I had originally anticipated. I expected to take maybe 15 minutes tops, but instead this took me 40 minutes. I have a feeling the time had more to do with me being anal but whatever. I really liked the way it turned out.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

#4 - Ugliest Key Ever

I had to do a little bit of head scratching with this one. My plan was to not use any type of adhesive and it just wouldn't come together. Unfortunately even tape couldn't save this one!

Monday, January 3, 2011

#3 - Paper Key

So for today's project, I was supposed to use paper, and no scissors, glue or drawings! What the flip!? Initially I planned to somehow MacGyver a folded key and it just wasn't happening! After more thought, I decided today I would *GASP*  use scissors and channel my inner Edward Scissorhands! Logically it should be easier this way, unfortunately I was totally wrong!
I had THREE epic fails!

I genuinely have no idea where I was going with this! So then I thought I would do key cut-outs how hard could those be right? Until...   
Cut Out Fail #1
 I realized I couldn't remember how to fold the effing paper! Google be damned, I was going to figure this out on my own!
 Cut Out Fail #2  
 My sister decided to help me and then this happened! I was so tempted to call my friends 6 year old for help but decided to try it again on my own just one more time.

After what felt like forever, I finally figured it out. My stomach still hurts from laughing, so I'm counting today as a success!